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Enough is Enough! We need to come together now more than ever, we are cracking the surface, and it shouldn’t stop here. I honestly can’t believe it took this long for people to understand what is going on within the black community finally. We are only LOVED when it’s convenient. Black lives have been taken away from us for years with no JUSTICE. The police are allowed to kill us without repercussions, which is unfair. We are sick in tired of being sick and tired.

As a black woman in America, I fear for the lives of all black men and women. George Floyd could have been one of my family members. Another senseless death. He should still be here for his daughter and family. In the black community, it is hard enough to have our fathers in our lives. Now this beautiful little girl has to live without her Father. For all other races, how would you feel if one of your family members’ lives were taken for no damn reason? Wouldn’t it feel good, right? Wouldn’t you want Justice?
Most Americans have the privilege of just living carefree without fearing for their lives or family lives. We want to live the same way and be treated with respect. THAT IS ALL WE WANT. I don’t think violence is the answer, but we are angry, tired, exhausted, hurt, drained, and so on. All lives don’t matter until BLACK LIVES MATTER.
Do your part and help us fight for justice in America! We want to live in this country with peace of mind. Stop killing us! Let’s break these generational curses and LOVE one another. Racism was created to divide us, and it’s up to us to close the gap. Please check out the resource below on how you could help the movement. #blacklivesmatter

Places to Donate
Petitions to Sign
Please note: DO NOT donate to The donations do not go to the cause. All of the donations go to Your money can go to better resources. Please refer to the list above.
Articles to Read
Anti-racism resources for white people (via Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein)
75 things white people can do for racial injustice (via Medium)
Ways to help (via Black Lives Matter)
“The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates (from The Atlantic, 2014)
IG: George Floyd: How can I help from the UK? (via Das Penman)
IG: 10 steps to non-optical allyship (via Mireille Harper)
IG: Transform Allyship into Action: A Toolkit for Non-Black People (via Social Justice in Medicine Coalition at USC)
Twitter Thread: UK-based charities, organizations, and platforms whose work aims to eradicate racial injustice (Via Black Ballad)
IG: Brilliant black-owned businesses to buy from in the UK (via Emily Ames)
Twitter Thread: Advice for companies from Sheree Atcheson, Monzo’s Head of Diversity and Inclusion (Via Sheree Atcheson)
Books to Read
1 .The Hate You Give – Angie Thomas
2. So You Want to Talk About Race – Ijeoma Oluo
3. They Can’t Kill Us All: The Story of the Struggle for Black Lives – Wesley Lowery
4. When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir – Patrisse Khan-Cullors, asha bandele
5. On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope – DeRay Mckesson
6. The Autobiography of Malcolm X- MALCOLM X, Alex Haley
7. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism -Robin DiAngelo, Michael Eric Dyson
8. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker: A Memoir in Essays – Damon Young
9. Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America– Jennifer Harvey
10. Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect?: Police Violence and Resistance in the United States – Alicia Garza
The first step to enacting change is having people in power that can really change the system. Please become a registered voter, every vote counts.
Voter Registration (Click Here)
Online Voter Registration (Click Here)
Mental Health and Additional Resources
Amongst all of the chaos, we still need to do a self-check-in. Please make sure you take care of yourself.